Everything in Order at Daycare with Stikets Snack Bags and Change of Clothing Bags
Customise your daycare bags in a snap!
Discover Stikets new snack and spare clothing bags. They match the labels on your Stikets Theme Packs and your favorite cartoons! Essential for kindergarten you cannot go wrong with these bags. Stikets have the sizes that most daycare and nursery schools prefer for so that they are ideal for both your little one and to hang them without touching the floor. Just choose the design you like best: animals, unicorns, dinosaurs or cartoons.What kind of snack bags do we offer?
Stikets snack bags and change of clothing bags are very durable as they withstand washings with no problems. The sizes of each model are in line with those requested by schools. They are big enough to fit everything you need but no so big that the end up on the floor. These are essentials for the daycare, nursery school and kindergarten.